Terms and Conditions


Welcome to the Ready Set Gig family! Our goal is to provide quality music education, while maintaining a fun and family friendly environment.  By enrolling in a Ready Set Gig (or “RSG”) program for music instruction, you agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement through RSG Music Schools LLC. Please read through this agreement and feel free to ask any question you may have. Thanks!

I. Attendance

1. All lessons take place at the school, located at 34 N Valle Verde Drive, Suite 120, Henderson NV 89074, or online via RSG-approved distance instruction technology. We do not offer in-home face-to-face music instruction. Our business hours are posted on the front door of the school, as well as online. Please note that our business hours may be affected by holidays. If in doubt, please call the school at 702-688-5553.

A. For purposes of service delivery, clients will elect to receive a lesson either in-person or online at the time lessons are scheduled.

B. If the client wishes to switch an in-person lesson to online (or vice-versa), the client needs to notify RSG at least 24 hours in advance of a lesson to avoid a late cancel or no-show situation (See #2 below).

C. Client agrees that an online lesson is considered equivalent in value to an in-person lesson, with the only difference being that the instruction takes place online via company-approved distance instruction technology. No discount will be given for lessons originally scheduled for in-person delivery but were later delivered online, or vice-versa.

D. Clients requesting to take online lessons understand and agree to furnish the following:

  • Appropriate musical instrument for student use during the lesson;
  • A computing device with webcam and microphone for student use;
  • Internet connectivity for student use;
  • A personal ID for student use, which is compatible with RSG-approved distance instruction technology;

E. For efficient delivery, clients are recommended to test connectivity to online lesson system prior to lessons taking place. If technical support is needed, please call the school.

2. The student and parent/guardian understand and agree that lessons must run on schedule in order to not interrupt the flow of other lessons scheduled with the same teacher or in the same room and/or other resources. Missed lessons are treated as follows:

A. If client gives at least 24 hours prior notice that a student will miss a lesson for any reason, the lesson will be treated as an “early cancel” and student may schedule a make-up lesson;

B. If client gives less than 24 hours’ advance notice up to 10 minutes after lesson start time, will be treated as a “late cancel” and student is entitled to make-up lessons only with approval from RSG;

C. If client misses lesson, and does not call the school at 702-688-5553 prior to 10 minutes after the start of the lesson, the lesson will be treated as a “no-show”.


3. Make-up lessons must be scheduled within 14 days of the missed lesson, and taken within 60 days of the missed lessons. Makeup lessons not rescheduled or taken within those periods are forfeited. Make-up lessons are subject to the same early cancel, late cancel and no-show policies as regular lessons.

4. If the student is running late, the lesson will be held for a period of up to the first 10 minutes. If the student neither arrives at the school within the first 10 minutes nor calls the school at 702-688-5553 within the first 10 minutes, all parties agree to treat the missed lesson as a no-show.

5. Students may remain at the school during business hours while waiting for lessons or pickup. All children must be picked up by closing time; no exceptions.

6. Client understands that, while RSG makes commercially reasonable attempts to keep the school clean, RSG cannot guarantee the school is completely free of bacteria or viruses. If, during participation in RSG programs the client becomes unable or unwilling to take in-person lessons or participate in other in-person activities due to concerns about or actual illness, client’s sole recourse is either: (a) cancel the in-person lesson and schedule an in-person make-up lesson; or (b) reschedule the in-person lesson for online delivery.

7. Unfortunately, RSG cannot provide transportation to or from the school for in-person lessons at this time.

II. Practice

1. Regular and consistent practice is the key to improvement as a musician. It is the responsibility of the student to practice between lessons.

A. Students without instruments at home may visit the school anytime during normal business hours subject to the terms in Section IV, check-in with a staff member, and use unoccupied rooms and/or unused equipment to practice.

B. When students are ready to acquire an instrument to start practicing at home, RSG can extend its corporate discount at Guitar Center to assist with purchase. Doing so is purely optional and offered entirely as a convenience to RSG customers. RSG cannot purchase equipment from any vendor on behalf of its clients.

2. As part of enrollment at RSG, students are furnished with one (1) binder containing instructional material, instructor notes, and practice logs to aid in practice.

A. Students are expected to bring their binders with them to every private lesson.

B. Bringing binders to group rehearsals is optional.

C. If the binder is lost or damaged, RSG will replace the binder for a nominal fee.

III. Communication

1. Regular communication is key to the student’s musical growth within our program. RSG does it’s best to communicate with its students and their families through multiple channels; however, it is the student’s and parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to stay current on what’s happening at RSG by reviewing our communications regularly for updates on what’s happening at the school.

2. By enrolling in our programs, client consents to receive RSG communications themselves, and for their children/dependents to receive RSG communications as appropriate. Client agrees to read announcements and notices from RSG regarding service delivery, including automated notices from the following services RSG uses to stay in touch with its students:

IV. General Rules and Procedures

1. All students MUST check in at the front desk for attendance purposes upon arrival for each lesson. It is the responsibility of the student to check-in and keep RSG informed of their whereabouts at all times.

A. Students under the age of 15 may not leave the school while remaining within the shopping center where the school is located, unless:

B. Under no circumstances are students permitted to leave the school and the shopping center except with a parent/guardian.

2. RSG makes reasonable efforts to respect student and parent/guardian preferences about instructor assignments. However, in some cases to ensure consistent instruction, RSG must reassign a student’s lesson and/or rehearsal to a different instructor.

3. Parents/guardians agree not to interfere with lessons and will follow the instructor’s direction in terms of attending lessons, calling out to students in rooms or interrupting teachers in rooms while lessons are taking place.

4. Parents/guardians agree to remain courteous at all times and direct concerns or complaints to Doug Bond, Director of Operations, and not to teachers, other students, other parents/guardians or any other concerned personnel.

5. Use of musical equipment and lesson rooms at RSG is subject to advance scheduling, even in situations where a room appears to be unoccupied. RSG management has the final say on whether equipment is available for use in lessons or practice.

6. Clients agree to be responsible for use of the school’s and their personal music equipment at all times at the school. Clients agree to be responsible for any damage to RSG music equipment beyond normal wear and tear while said equipment is in a student’s possession and use.

A. As a general rule, RSG does not lend out instruments to be taken home.

B. If arranged in advance and at RSG discretion and equipment availability, current clients may rent an instrument from RSG for at-home use.

C. Said rental must be secured with either a credit card on file plus a fee equal to one month’s rental, or cash deposit equal to the retail price of rental equipment.

V. Registration and Payment

1. A non-refundable payment totaling the first month’s fees at the agreed-to rate, is required at the time of registration to schedule lesson times with RSG instructors.

2. All lessons are billed and charged monthly in advance by credit card on the first day of the agreed-to billing cycle – either the 1st of the month, or another day as agreed to by both parties. If payment is declined, the account must be brought current immediately to avoid the account being placed on hold and scheduled lessons canceled.

3. In the case of instruction delivered to a child, that child’s parent/guardian who signed the child up for lessons and is configured as the payee in Wellness Living agrees to be responsible for payment for the lessons agreed to be delivered to that child. Parents/guardians understand and agree that RSG cannot be responsible for any reimbursement arrangements from other parties for child’s music instruction.

VI. Holds, Termination, and Withdrawal

1. Services rendered under this Agreement remain in effect until terminated with written notice. Client agrees that simply not showing up for scheduled lessons does not constitute notice of service termination, since RSG made arrangements for the instructor to be present and ready to give lessons as scheduled. Services rendered under this Agreement may be placed on hold or terminated by the client for any reason. RSG requests client give 30 days’ notice prior to hold or termination to avoid monthly charges, but RSG will honor requests to go on hold or terminate where at least 24 hours’ advance written notice is given PRIOR TO monthly fees being charged. Client agrees to give written notice via email to manager@rsgmusic.com. If less than 24 hours’ notice is given, or if notice is given in any format other than email to manager@rsgmusic.com, client understands RSG cannot guarantee that the next recurring payment will be suspended in time and agrees to pay charges.

A. In cases where client requests to terminate service or place on hold for reasons of convenience, client understands and agrees that no refunds will be issued for any amounts already paid to RSG. Student may continue to receive all services for which they have paid, including unused makeups, if any. At RSG’s discretion, client may receive a store credit applicable toward future fees for lesson(s) paid for but not taken, if any.

B. Except in situations where the hold was initiated for nonpayment for services already rendered, no fees for services will accrue during the hold period.

C. In the event a student goes on hold and then later chooses to re-establish service, charges for services will be resumed at the current list price for services as of the date services resume, unless other arrangements are made.

D. Client agrees that any unused makeups, if any, must be taken prior to the hold or termination going into effect. Client agrees outstanding make-ups not taken as of date of hold or termination are forfeited.

2. Services rendered under this agreement may be placed on hold or terminated by RSG at any time, either for cause or convenience. Clients consent to receive notice of hold or termination via email at the address for the person responsible for payment.

A. For accounts in good standing, client understands RSG will issue no refunds for fees already paid prior to notice of cancellation, but the student may continue to receive all services for which they have paid, including unused makeups, if any.

B. For accounts with balances due as of hold or termination, the outstanding balance for lessons already delivered is due immediately upon notice of hold or termination, and will continue to accrue until paid.

C. RSG reserves the right to terminate a student’s participation in our programs for cause, including but not limited to: disciplinary and/or academic issues, violations of the Student Code of Conduct posted in the school, disruptive behavior, theft or vandalism, abusive language, defiance or disrespect, bullying, fighting, possession or distribution of alcohol or drugs while at the school, attending in-person lessons while under the influence or exhibiting signs of highly communicable disease, or any other behaviors or actions deemed by RSG Management to justify removal. In the event that services were terminated by RSG for cause, no further services will be offered and refunds will be issued.

D. In the event service is re-established after termination, charges for services will be resumed at the current list price for services as of the date services resume, unless other arrangements are made.

E. Client agrees that any unused make-up lessons, if any, must be taken prior to the hold, termination or withdrawal going into effect. Outstanding make-ups not yet taken as of date of termination are forfeited.

VII. Hold Harmless and Indemnification

1. Parent/guardian fully understands that their child’s participation in music lessons or performances with the RSG Music Schools LLC may expose him/her to unforeseen risk of illness, personal injury, death or property damage. Parent/guardian hereby acknowledges they are voluntarily allowing their child to participate in all events and agrees to assume any such risks.

2. In the event of an incident involving a child, RSG will make reasonable efforts to contact the client promptly. Parent/guardian agrees to furnish RSG with a designated emergency contact number. If parent/guardian has not furnished a designated emergency contact, then parent/guardian agrees to RSG’s use of the contact details for the individual responsible for handling payment for services as the emergency contact number. If at any time a client would like to review their contact info in Wellness Living, they may do so by logging into Wellness Living directly, or by calling RSG by phone, or by visiting RSG in person during normal business hours.

3. Parent/guardian hereby releases, discharge and agrees not to sue RSG Music Schools LLC for any injury, death or damage to or loss of personal property arising out of or in connection with their child’s participation in any event from whatever cause, including the active or passive negligence of RSG Music Schools LLC staff or any other participants of RSG.

4. In consideration for being permitted to participate in the RSG, parent/guardian hereby agrees, for their child, heirs, administrators, executors and assigns, that parent/guardian shall indemnify and hold harmless RSG Music Schools LLC from any and all claims, demands, actions or suits arising out of or in connection with my child’s participation in any of RSG’s events.

5. Parent/guardian gives permission to authorize personnel to carry out such emergency diagnostic and therapeutic procedures as may be necessary for their child, and also permit such treatment procedures to be carried out at, and by the local hospital(s) for their child in the event of an emergency. Parent/guardian understands that any medical expenses will be billed directly to parent/guardian or their insurance company.

VIII. Media Release

1. Parent/guardian agrees to permit RSG staff, agents and other guests to take photographs and/or videotape during RSG lessons, events and performances without further recourse.

2. Parent/guardian understands that such photographic images, video, or audio recording of their child become the property of RSG, and may be used for commercial and/or promotional purposes to advance the legitimate business interests of the school.

3. Parent/guardian agrees to notify RSG in writing if they do not wish for their child’s image to be used in this way. Notice to RSG must be mailed to RSG Music Schools LLC, 34 N Valle Verde Dr. Suite 120, Henderson NV 89074.

Terms and Conditions Effective June 1, 2020