
The Cornerstone of Our Music Lesson Program is 1-on-1 Instruction!

Here at Ready Set Gig, we have proven music lesson programs that teach students of any age how to excel as musicians! Your journey begins with 1-on-1 weekly music lessons meant to accomplish three goals: build foundational skills we call Benchmarks, understand how to play songs you like to listen to, and learn some basic music theory concepts in those songs on your way to total musicianship. All our music lesson programs are highly customized to move at YOUR pace!



At RSG, we offer custom guitar lessons and private
1- on-1 guitar instruction to take your guitar playing ability to the next level. Whether you’re just picking up guitar for the first time or trying to master that face-melting solo, we have the perfect guitar lesson program combining our proprietary Guitar Lesson Benchmarks with a highly customized instruction and practice plan built just for you, that will help you improve as a guitar player. Benchmarks include many key activities such as:

  • (basic) posture, tuning by ear, identifying open strings, strumming
  • (intermediate) alternate picking up to 16th notes, charting and tablature, pentatonic scales
  • (advanced) major and minor scale patterns, reading notes on staff, ID notes up to 12th fret


At RSG, we offer custom drum lessons and private 1-on-1 drum instruction to make you the official timekeeper of the band! First-time players and experienced drummers alike benefit from our proprietary Drum Lesson Benchmarks along with highly customized instruction and practice plan designed especially for you. As drummers progress in their drum lesson and instruction with us, we add important play components like advanced fills to round out play. Benchmarks include a variety of key activities:

  • (basic) posture, proper stick handling, basic rock beat
  • (intermediate) dynamics, quarter- and eighth-note triplets, standard notation
  • (advanced) shuffle, diddle, flams, four-limb independence


At RSG, we offer custom piano lessons and keyboard lessons utilizing private 1-on-1 piano instruction to teach musicians how to play the piano and the keyboard.
Players of all levels grow quickly using our Keyboard Lesson and Piano Lesson Benchmarks, along with highly customized instruction and practice plan created to you, to help you improve as a piano and keyboard player. Benchmarks include key activities such as:

  • (basic) posture, hand technique, naming natural notes, flats and sharps
  • (intermediate) power chords, hand independence, major and minor triads
  • (advanced) Understanding song arrangements, charting on staff notation, blues progression


At RSG, we provide custom bass lessons utilizing private 1-on-1 instruction to teach aspiring bassists how to play this key instrument rounding out the rhythm section of every band! Whether you’re just picking up a bass for the first time or a seasoned musician looking to improve specific techniques, we provide our Bass Guitar Benchmarks along with a highly customized instructionand practice plan specifically designed for you, to help you improve as a bassist. Benchmarks include a variety of key activities such as:

  • (basic) posture, holding the instrument, playing technique
  • (intermediate) quarter-, eighth- and 16th notes, charting and tablature, rhythmic subdivisions, basic slap
  • (advanced) Major, minor and pentatonic scales, three-finger technique, walking bass lines


At RSG, we offer highly customized vocal lessons and singing lessons using 1-on-1 instruction to teach aspiring singers how to excel with the instrument we are all born with! Whether you’re just starting to sing or have been doing so for a long time, we deliver instruction using our Vocal Lesson Benchmarks along with a highly customized instruction and practice plan specifically designed for you, to help you improve as a singer! Benchmarks include a variety of key activities such as:

  • basic) Posture, scalar and breathing warmups, tone improvement and pitch
  • (intermediate) Reading sheet music in treble and bass cleff, harmonizing in 3rds and 5ths
  • (advanced) Belting, voice care, transitioning from chest to head voice

DJ & Music Production

At Ready Set Gig, we offer highly customized DJ lessons and music production lessons using1-on-1 instruction to teach aspiring DJs, producers, and artists how to DJ and produce electronic music. Whether you’re just starting out or have some experience, we deliver instruction using our DJ Lesson and Music Production Lesson Benchmarks, along with a highly customized instruction and practice plan specifically designed for you, to help you improve! Benchmarks include key activities such as:

  • (basic) understanding DDJ controller tables, software, song structure, tempo and key matching
  • (intermediate) song transition, beatmatching, crossfading, layering tracks
  • (advanced) using gain, filters, EQ, punch phrasing, bass drop

Frequently Asked Questions

What Age Should I Start Taking Lessons to Play an Instrument?
It is never too early or too late to start taking lessons to learn how to play a musical instrument! Using our proprietary lesson benchmarks, we’ve seen a lot of success with students underage 7 taking singing lessons, piano lessons, and drum lessons. From age 7 onward, students taking guitar lessons and bass lessons as well as instruction on other instruments can do well. 

How Long Does it Take to Master Playing an Instrument?
Using our benchmarks and custom-designed practice schedule, along with making a commitment to at-home practice, you can begin to see results in as little as a few months, with even better results often seen when you combine private 1-on-1 instruction with our immersive music programs!  

Does RSG Offer Private Music Lessons by Themselves?
YES! Our clients can either take private 1-on-1 lessons by themselves, or in combination with our immersive music programs!

When Should I Purchase an Instrument for Use at Home?
We do permit students to practice at the school during business hours when lesson rooms are available! That said, you should consider purchasing an instrument to practice at home soon after committing to learn how to play that instrument. There are many affordable options for musical instruments, and we partner with Guitar Center Town Square to provide discounts on new musical instruments for our clients. Remember - you cannot practice at home if you do not have an instrument to practice with. If financial hardship currently prevents you from investing in an instrument, please talk to us - we may be able to work something out. 

Do You Offer Online Instruction?
YES! If you prefer to take lessons remotely via online, please talk to us about setting that up.
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